Ghost Plants, Stink Bugs & A Magical Lake in the Borneo Rainforest

The Lake   It was the most mesmerizing lake we had ever seen. Set in the Borneo rain forest like a jewel of peace among wild thorns.  (Double-click on any photo to see it full size)   Reflections so perfect and so still, you’d swear there were two lakes.   … Continue reading

An Entire Exotic Island to Yourself in Tonga

  We had rented a cabin and were about to spend a week on an uninhabited island, Uoleva Island, in the Haap’ai Group of Tonga. It was an island we would have all to ourselves with absolutely breathtaking white powder beaches and crystal clear turquoise water (perfect for skinny dipping). There were no roads, no… Continue reading

What You See Walking the Streets of Old Havana

  Walking around Old Havana is like being in a toy shop. The sounds, the colours, the smells whirl around you in every direction. There are things tinkling, and rumbling, and whizzing. Brilliant colours fly past, beside, and in front of you. Along with the luscious smells of food, there… Continue reading

A Mosquito In Your Wine… Is Better Than A Bee In Your Beer

  While I screamed and hollered and swore at my computer with the new hard drive that would not load emails from the external drive back-up, T went merrily off to the Merida Zoo. He has been into long walks lately, so he walked. It was a long walk on… Continue reading

Don’t Get Derailed: What to Do If You Fall Ill While Travelling Abroad

Guest Post by Jennifer Scott, Travel To Little Known Places is not only a place for you to escape the daily grind but also a place where you can travel vicariously, find budget travel tips, or find inspiration to start your own travel adventures. Contact us today to learn… Continue reading

The Best Hot Chocolate & Cheap Elegant Food in Budapest

  Hungarian food is simple and hearty, offering wholesome soups, stews and goulash but there is one traditional item that is not to be missed: Langos. It’s available in many markets, malls and family events. Think of a luscious king-size fresh fry bread topped with garlic butter, sour cream and… Continue reading

The Gilligans’ Island Experience

Internet Hut: After receiving 3 or 4 completely different directions for getting to the only Internet access on Little Corn Island, we traipsed through the jungle to the East side of the island and after ten minutes came to a tiny Gilligan Island style hut with two old computers. We… Continue reading

3 Great Cheap Restaurants in Old Havana

Cheap Food in Old Havana   Cuban food is good. No matter what you’ve heard, it is good basic food. The cheapest and best Cuban food is found in Paladares, the locally-owned and run restaurants, the smaller Mom and Pop Restaurants. Rice and beans are served with every meat or… Continue reading

19 Things We Can’t Travel Without

    After years of travelling all over the world, there are certain things that we consider travel must-haves when we travel.   Here is our Travel Must-Haves List:   Camera   Sony Cyber-shot DSC R100 – this is the best little travel camera you could ever have. It takes high quality pictures… Continue reading

What’s So Great About The Panama Canal?


  Of course we had to go see the magnificent Panama Canal while we were in Panama. Maybe I expected too much or maybe I didn’t really understand its purpose or maybe, dare I say it – it’s something more appreciated by men, but for me it was quite plain… Continue reading

Children Hide Inside Tree in Sabah, Borneo, World War ll

  Borneo Jungle Walk   It was time for the Borneo Jungle Walk in Sabah, Borneo.   As we entered the jungle, the first thing to walk across was a swinging rope bridge, which David managed with ease.  [spacer height=”20px”] I won’t say how T managed on the rope bridge,… Continue reading

A Pig Butchering in Pico


  As people kept referring to farms in the Azores – often right in the centre of towns and villages, we would look around expecting to see an expanse of field, and never find it! All we could see were houses, and trying to be polite (and not wanting to… Continue reading

In The Pink

  Birds are not a big attraction for us, but we were a little curious about the Yucatan flamingos. We thought $100 was a little steep for the Flamingo Boat Tour out of Celestun, so we declined several offers from local tour operators.     Since there was a large… Continue reading

The Wizard Animator at Elephant’s Walk, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

The Elephant’s Walk Art Centre Just a short walk back of the N1 Hotel, the Elephant’s Walk Art Centre has high quality African local art set in a tropical garden. It’s also a quiet place where you won’t be bothered by hawkers. The Animator at the Elephant’s Walk Art Centre… Continue reading

Wild Monkeys Jumping On Our Boat


  At Orange Walk, in Belize, we stayed at the Orchid Palm Inn, a lovely inn filled with  – you’ll never guess – orchid plants. Reasonable rates and very nice rooms: Orchid Palm Inn.   The owners of the Orchid Palm told us about the Lamanai Jungle River Boat, so the… Continue reading

Ring 1: Beara Peninsula’s Remarkable Scenery

  The Beara Peninsula is untouched and has very few tourists. It has some of the most remarkable and unusual scenery.     Starting at Glengarriff, and driving around the entire peninsula to Kenmare, we saw some astounding terrain. This is a photo journal.   School children in Beara Peninsula`s… Continue reading

Tonga: “But I’m Not a Pilot!”

Tonga Islands Aerial View

 [spacer height=”20px”]   Tonga: Going to Ouleva Island   We were flying from the Vava’u Group in Tonga to the Haap’ai Group, where we had arrangements to take a boat to an uninhabited island, Ouleva.   At the airport, as we walked out to our small 8-seater plane, I noticed the pilot was… Continue reading

Full Moon Over Beijing

  The Chinese people were warm and sweet, smiling beguilingly at Westerners, offering quick assistance, showing deep respect, bowing slightly, and always using “you first” gestures.   A Chinese acquaintance told me that the government is very strict that the people make Westerners feel welcome, but I sensed, especially outside… Continue reading

Africa: Luxury Tent Safari

Is a Safari Worth the Money? Our safari in Botswana was beyond special. When reading about safari’s, one wonders if the reports of their life-changing experiences are really authentic. We’re here to say yes, yes they are, they truly are! In fact, nothing compares to the awe-inspiring experience of seeing… Continue reading

Louisiana: Cajun Country, Crawdaddies & the Canada Connection


  Louisiana and the Canada Connection   Louisiana: there is a strong connection between Louisiana and Canada. A good number of people in the Louisiana area came from Canada! We recalled learning this in history at school, but had completely forgotten about it, or at least I did.   French-speakers… Continue reading