NL: Quidi Vidi, Signal Hill & Trapper John’s

Quidi Vidi Brewery   Quidi Vidi – the name alone was intriguing. We had to find out more. On our third day in Newfoundland, we took a taxi ($10 taxi each way) a few miles out of St. John’s to Quidi Vidi Brewery.    It’s not that the Quidi Vidi… Continue reading

Newfoundland: Take The Newfinese Language Test

  “Stay where yer to till I come where yer at.”   The Newfoundland language is sometimes happily easy to understand, but at other times we were totally lost. At those times, we responded to Newfinese with blank stares, raised eyebrows and an awkward smile, thinking “Huh?” or “How can… Continue reading

OH CANADA! #1 World Destination For Travel

Bear In Purple Flowers Yuko

Yes! Lonely Planet has just named CANADA as the number one travel destination in 2017.   Don’t you just love it?! Well, especially if you are a Canadian, that is.     Canadian Pride   They say Canadians don’t have an abundance of national pride. That just might be because we… Continue reading

Newfoundland Humour: One-Liners & Joke Signs

  A Cheeky Lot   Newfoundland people are a cheeky lot with a wicked sense of humour, and everywhere you go – on the streets, on a house, on a wall, inside or outside, you will see the most clever plays on words. They love taking existing words and using… Continue reading