Craziest, Wildest, Lewdest Place We’ve Ever Been

P1100297 Close Up 2

  This place is full of fantastic music, sexual innuendo, great food, riské parades, endless surprises, fantastic music (hint hint) and just wild crazy fun! Have you guessed where we’ve been? It’s more fun than a barrel of monkeys, a basket full of strange surprises, and a wagon load of… Continue reading

Newfoundland: Take The Newfinese Language Test

  “Stay where yer to till I come where yer at.”   The Newfoundland language is sometimes happily easy to understand, but at other times we were totally lost. At those times, we responded to Newfinese with blank stares, raised eyebrows and an awkward smile, thinking “Huh?” or “How can… Continue reading

Penang, Malaysia: What Is A Chew Jetty?

  [spacer height=”20px”] Walking toward the Chew Jetty, we were excited. We had heard it was a fantastic sight, the highlight of Penang.     First of All, What is a Jetty?   It’s an odd name, but not odd for the Chinese in Malaysia. Jetty is the name of… Continue reading

S. E. Asia: “99% Of What We Worry About Never Happens”

  Malaria   As many of us have said before,   “99% of what we worry about never happens, and the other 1% we can handle.”   And so it was with our fears of Malaria, and fears of the side-effects of the drugs to prevent Malaria. It’s a well-known… Continue reading

Drunk On Flower Pheromones

Azores Like A Garden Of Flowers

  In The Azores, the terrain consists mostly of rolling green hills with vegetation that was an odd cross between desert cacti and tropical fern – an unusual mixture.   But most of all, I was enthralled that my favourite flower, Hydrangea was literally growing everywhere!   Hydrangea flowers create… Continue reading

Borneo: Orangutan Break-In, Night Safari and Tea Plantation

 [bwwpp_reading_lists sid=1 title=’Travel To Little Known Places’ template=’list’] Orangutan Break-In   We were down for breakfast at the Myrne River Resort in Borneo when David told us that there had been an Orangutan Break-in!   Most of the cups and glassware had been removed from the Coffee and Snacks station… Continue reading

Ghost Plants, Stink Bugs & A Magical Lake in the Borneo Rainforest

The Lake   It was the most mesmerizing lake we had ever seen. Set in the Borneo rain forest like a jewel of peace among wild thorns.  (Double-click on any photo to see it full size)   Reflections so perfect and so still, you’d swear there were two lakes.   … Continue reading

An Entire Exotic Island to Yourself in Tonga

  We had rented a cabin and were about to spend a week on an uninhabited island, Uoleva Island, in the Haap’ai Group of Tonga. It was an island we would have all to ourselves with absolutely breathtaking white powder beaches and crystal clear turquoise water (perfect for skinny dipping). There were no roads, no… Continue reading

3 Great Cheap Restaurants in Old Havana

Cheap Food in Old Havana   Cuban food is good. No matter what you’ve heard, it is good basic food. The cheapest and best Cuban food is found in Paladares, the locally-owned and run restaurants, the smaller Mom and Pop Restaurants. Rice and beans are served with every meat or… Continue reading

A Pig Butchering in Pico


  As people kept referring to farms in the Azores – often right in the centre of towns and villages, we would look around expecting to see an expanse of field, and never find it! All we could see were houses, and trying to be polite (and not wanting to… Continue reading

Wild Monkeys Jumping On Our Boat


  At Orange Walk, in Belize, we stayed at the Orchid Palm Inn, a lovely inn filled with  – you’ll never guess – orchid plants. Reasonable rates and very nice rooms: Orchid Palm Inn.   The owners of the Orchid Palm told us about the Lamanai Jungle River Boat, so the… Continue reading

Ring 1: Beara Peninsula’s Remarkable Scenery

  The Beara Peninsula is untouched and has very few tourists. It has some of the most remarkable and unusual scenery.     Starting at Glengarriff, and driving around the entire peninsula to Kenmare, we saw some astounding terrain. This is a photo journal.   School children in Beara Peninsula`s… Continue reading

Africa: Luxury Tent Safari

Is a Safari Worth the Money? Our safari in Botswana was beyond special. When reading about safari’s, one wonders if the reports of their life-changing experiences are really authentic. We’re here to say yes, yes they are, they truly are! In fact, nothing compares to the awe-inspiring experience of seeing… Continue reading

History Is Boring

History Repeats Itself. Which May Explain Why It's So Boring.

  Some people find history fascinating; others find it completely boring. I used to be the latter, finding all those dates absolutely meaningless (stop scowling). Random dates and events seemed like completely useless knowledge. I wanted to know what was happening today! Not 500 years ago.     In high… Continue reading

Borneo River Safari: Gigantic Butterflies and Tree-Climbing Crocodiles

  Gigantic Butterfly   Relaxing on the deck before our Borneo River Safari, something moved beside my chair. I looked, and made a small gasp. There was a huge creature fluttering on our patio window a foot away from me! I stood up, stepped back… and took a closer look…. Continue reading

I Wish You Would Write About…

Small Questions Question Marks

  Recently, someone said to us, “I wish you would write about….”, and it occurred to us that we have never actually asked our loyal readers exactly what travel information they wish we would write about!    So this is your opportunity to say what you are thinking.   Don’t… Continue reading

The Golf Cart Pole Dance (and Other Golf Cart Disasters)


  The day after we arrived at Isla Mujeres (Island of Women), a tiny island off the coast of Mexico near Cancun, we were all set to enjoy a lovely afternoon at the gorgeous North Beach, when the rain started. A downpour filled the streets to overflowing within a short time,… Continue reading

Borneo: Stripped Naked By An Orangutan

  Sepilok Orangutan Nursery   We were still giddy from seeing the wild Orangutans that morning.  After returning to the gorgeous Sepilok Nature Resort, we had lunch and a short break before we headed to the Sepilok Orangutan Nursery and Rehabilitation Centre.   The Orangutan Nursery and Rehabilitation Centre houses… Continue reading

The Wilds Of Borneo: An Alternative To The African Safari?

Move over Africa – Borneo could offer as much as Africa, without the price! Check out our amazing adventures below while on Borneo Safari, and just see if you wouldn’t rather go to Borneo at half the cost of going to Africa.     WILD ANIMALS OF BORNEO   With one… Continue reading

Disney World For Adults


New Orléans: Disney World For Adults   Mardi Gras is an event which must be experienced in order to be understood. It is a mixture of traditions and high-tech. It is a Disney World for Adults!   New Orléans has experienced disaster after disaster. Hurricanes, yellow fever, floods, wars, and just plain… Continue reading