Argentina: How To Kayak Without Getting Wet

  Had we gone canoeing here on our own, we would surely have been lost for days.   The Parana Delta in Argentina is a maze of tiny waterways through a wetlands jungle forest. It is one of the largest deltas in the world covering over 8000 square feet. The… Continue reading

Borneo: Orangutan Break-In, Night Safari and Tea Plantation

 [bwwpp_reading_lists sid=1 title=’Travel To Little Known Places’ template=’list’] Orangutan Break-In   We were down for breakfast at the Myrne River Resort in Borneo when David told us that there had been an Orangutan Break-in!   Most of the cups and glassware had been removed from the Coffee and Snacks station… Continue reading

Time Traveller

  Time. Have you ever noticed that we are slaves to time almost every minute of the day?   Time to get up, time to go to school/work, time to get a job finished on time, time to go for lunch, time to get more work done, time for coffee,… Continue reading