40 Cheapest Places To Travel

<a href=”http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/14946963/?claim=p7xrnf7smrm”>Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>   We all want to go to a beautiful, fascinating, relaxing place, but wouldn’t it be great if that could be one of the cheapest places as well?  There are such places – more than you might think.   The only reason we can afford… Continue reading

ASIA Super Trip: Our Greatest Fear

S. E. Asia Super Trip - Our Greatest Fear

  Last Long-Haul Trip   We’re going on our very last long haul trip over the Pacific Ocean to S.E. Asia – our Asia Super Trip is what we’re calling it. [mapsmarker marker=”66″]   It’s our last long plane trip because it is just getting too hard to be on… Continue reading

Lombok Island, The New Bali

  Everyone dreams of going to Bali, the exotic island in Indonesia, but we were shocked to discover that dreamy Bali is not what it used to be. Now Bali is dirty and touristy with beaches full of garbage. Move over Bali – here comes Lombok.   Bali since 2017…… Continue reading