Penang, Malaysia: What Is A Chew Jetty?

  [spacer height=”20px”] Walking toward the Chew Jetty, we were excited. We had heard it was a fantastic sight, the highlight of Penang.     First of All, What is a Jetty?   It’s an odd name, but not odd for the Chinese in Malaysia. Jetty is the name of… Continue reading

S. E. Asia: “99% Of What We Worry About Never Happens”

  Malaria   As many of us have said before,   “99% of what we worry about never happens, and the other 1% we can handle.”   And so it was with our fears of Malaria, and fears of the side-effects of the drugs to prevent Malaria. It’s a well-known… Continue reading

Street Food in Penang: How Adventurous Are You?

  What’s more fun than sampling hundreds of different new foods? We can’t think of anything that appeals so consistently to everyone – young and old, every person, from every country in the world. It is simply a universal pleasure to enjoy good food.   And we’ll try most any… Continue reading

The Blue Mansion, 8 Wives and Buried Gold in Penang

  The Blue Mansion   We took the free shuttle, another nice touch from Le Dream Boutique Hotel, to the famed Blue Mansion.   The Blue Mansion was carefully planned and designed by the owner, Cheong Fatt Tze. Some of the original rickshaws and carriages were outside the building.  … Continue reading

6 Things To Know Before You Go To Penang & Best Value Hotel

  It was hard to leave raw natural Borneo, but we were on our way to Malaysia, and to another adventure. [mapsmarker marker=”75″]     At the airport in Kota Kinabalu, Borneo, we waited for Air Asia to open, and stopped for a bite to eat.   Wow. This simple… Continue reading