#1 Travel Cosmetics: Irresistible BOOM!

Photo Boom Sticks Trio

  Wow! I just love BOOM Sticks. Compact cosmetics sticks, perfect for purse and travel.   I don’t know about you, but when I travel, I rarely have time for make-up. We are anxious to get out and see the million things there are to see in a new country…. Continue reading

40 Cheapest Places To Travel

<a href=”http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/14946963/?claim=p7xrnf7smrm”>Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>   We all want to go to a beautiful, fascinating, relaxing place, but wouldn’t it be great if that could be one of the cheapest places as well?  There are such places – more than you might think.   The only reason we can afford… Continue reading

Best $5 We’ve Ever Spent: Off The Beaten Path Panama

Red Eye

  The Rooster   It was 3 am in Panama: dogs were barking and a rooster was squawking. It wasn’t even a nice cock-a-doodle-doo but a whining half-squawk, over and over and over again. Good grief. We rolled over.   The Salamanders   At this hotel there were tiny green… Continue reading

Best Off-The-Beaten-Path Beach and Town In The Yucatan, Mexico

Progresso It was exciting to see the sublime azure ocean come into view as you drive in to Progresso on the North coast of the Yucatan. We were here is 2008 and it was just a small fishing village with a beautiful miles-long sandy beach and clear aquamarine water. As we drove… Continue reading

In The Pink

  Birds are not a big attraction for us, but we were a little curious about the Yucatan flamingos. We thought $100 was a little steep for the Flamingo Boat Tour out of Celestun, so we declined several offers from local tour operators.     Since there was a large… Continue reading

Panama: Crossing The Most Dangerous Bridge In The World

Bridge With Boards Missing Or Rotten 3

  Our helpful Panamanian friends in Tonosi had recommended that the best way to get to the paradise San Blas Islands of Bocas Del Toro on the Caribbean side of Panama, was to take the new highway across the mountains of the Palo Seco Reserve.    Lucky To Be Alive  … Continue reading

Driving On The LEFT

  “Now why in God’s creation would you take yourself ever go to Ireland if yer didn’t havta? The weather is bloody miserable! For God’s sake, it rains all the frickin’ time. Are you daft man? And the wind’ll go right through ya… give yer head a wee shake.” T’s solidly Irish… Continue reading

The Best Bits of Ireland

  We don’t agree! T and I, that is. Usually we pretty much agree about a country. Not only do we disagree about our favourite best bits of Ireland, but we can barely decide which of half a dozen places we individually feel are our favourites.   Ballynahinch Castle T says,… Continue reading

The Azores Diet Plan

  The problem, you see, was that almost every restaurant we went to in the Azores served only fish dishes.  At first we thought we had accidentally chosen “fish-only” or “seafood-only” restaurants, but after the 4th or 5th restaurant, it finally dawned on us that perhaps, just perhaps, people in… Continue reading

Mr. BIG Moneyyy on Caye Caulker, Belize


  Ok, so maybe Belize wasn’t so bad after all. One of the few times in Belize that we saw that inimitable Caribbean turquoise water was when we were on the ferry heading toward Caye Caulker from the rather ugly Belize City.   It was thrilling to see the true… Continue reading

How Many Countries Do You Know?

Bright Orange Blue World Map

  Do you know the countries of the world? Can you tell which country is marked on this world map? Are you able to recognize countries like the USA, Australia, France, Saudi Arabia, Germany and Mexico?    Go to: How Many Countries Do You Know Quiz    We were only able… Continue reading

10 Reasons Why “I Love My Island”

Azores AAT40F

  “I love my island” the guide said, gazing across the majestic vista of land and sea.   She fell silent for a few moments, then, when she turned toward me, I saw that her face was flushed with emotion.   “Every time I come up here, it seems to… Continue reading

Panama: Thievin’ Hermit Crabs & Green Iguanas


  Driving Out of Panama City   Don’t be discouraged when you drive out of Panama city on the four-lane highway and see beach after beach packed with people, music blaring, garbage everywhere and noise booming out in every direction. Keep on driving and you will be rewarded with pristine… Continue reading

Halloween Apples, Peanuts & Cake; If You Don’t…


  Halloween Apples, Peanuts and Cake, If You Don’t Give Us Any, Your Toilet Will Shake!   Remember that? Ok, that was even before my time, before indoor toilets even! – but it has a lovely rhythm, n’est ce pas?   Moving to Ontario has been almost like exploring another… Continue reading

The Sexiest Dance in Mexico

  One of the sexiest dances I’ve ever seen, except for the Argentine Tango, is this Cumbia. We just happened upon a fiesta in the little town of Chelem, west of Progreso, in the Yucatan region of Mexico. Part of the fiesta was a Cumbia Dance performance.   We had… Continue reading

Not Your Normal Travel Site

  Travel to Little Known Places is not your normal travel site. What you’ll find are down-to-earth experiences of a crazy couple travelling to little known and off-the-beaten path places. We like to get out of the big cities as fast as we can. We like to rent a car, and… Continue reading

6 Things To Know Before You Go To Penang & Best Value Hotel

  It was hard to leave raw natural Borneo, but we were on our way to Malaysia, and to another adventure. [mapsmarker marker=”75″]     At the airport in Kota Kinabalu, Borneo, we waited for Air Asia to open, and stopped for a bite to eat.   Wow. This simple… Continue reading