#1 Travel Cosmetics: Irresistible BOOM!

Photo Boom Sticks Trio

  Wow! I just love BOOM Sticks. Compact cosmetics sticks, perfect for purse and travel.   I don’t know about you, but when I travel, I rarely have time for make-up. We are anxious to get out and see the million things there are to see in a new country…. Continue reading

19 Ways To Spend Less On Gifts

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  We all wish we were multi-millionaires at Christmas and that money was no object when buying gifts. Millionaire Unfortunately, most of us do not have unlimited funds (however much we fantasize about winning a lottery), and we could all use a few tips, and a few hundred extra dollars, on how to spend… Continue reading

Time Traveller

  Time. Have you ever noticed that we are slaves to time almost every minute of the day?   Time to get up, time to go to school/work, time to get a job finished on time, time to go for lunch, time to get more work done, time for coffee,… Continue reading

The Sparkle In His Eyes

Photo Of Dad Tami

  There once was a man who always had a sparkle in his eyes.   He was that special type of guy that EVERYONE LOVED.   He treated everyone the same – young or old, black or white or brown, fat or thin, quiet or outgoing, religious or not, rich or… Continue reading

Affordable Travel in Retirement

  The Problem: The problem is that when you are working, you may not have much time off to vacation, or you still have commitments at home preventing you from leaving for any extended period. On the other hand, if you wait until you are retired, you will likely have… Continue reading