Argentina: How To Kayak Without Getting Wet

  Had we gone canoeing here on our own, we would surely have been lost for days.   The Parana Delta in Argentina is a maze of tiny waterways through a wetlands jungle forest. It is one of the largest deltas in the world covering over 8000 square feet. The… Continue reading

NL: Quidi Vidi, Signal Hill & Trapper John’s

Quidi Vidi Brewery   Quidi Vidi – the name alone was intriguing. We had to find out more. On our third day in Newfoundland, we took a taxi ($10 taxi each way) a few miles out of St. John’s to Quidi Vidi Brewery.    It’s not that the Quidi Vidi… Continue reading

Newfoundland: Take The Newfinese Language Test

  “Stay where yer to till I come where yer at.”   The Newfoundland language is sometimes happily easy to understand, but at other times we were totally lost. At those times, we responded to Newfinese with blank stares, raised eyebrows and an awkward smile, thinking “Huh?” or “How can… Continue reading

Louisiana: Cajun Country, Crawdaddies & the Canada Connection


  Louisiana and the Canada Connection   Louisiana: there is a strong connection between Louisiana and Canada. A good number of people in the Louisiana area came from Canada! We recalled learning this in history at school, but had completely forgotten about it, or at least I did.   French-speakers… Continue reading

Should Have Stayed In Mexico

    Thursday, February 26:   A few days ago, February 22, in Mexico, the cat sitter emailed us that the pipes are frozen in the house, and that there is no water, so no bathrooms either. Car is also unlikely to start and is buried in a mountain of snow…. Continue reading

Halloween Apples, Peanuts & Cake; If You Don’t…


  Halloween Apples, Peanuts and Cake, If You Don’t Give Us Any, Your Toilet Will Shake!   Remember that? Ok, that was even before my time, before indoor toilets even! – but it has a lovely rhythm, n’est ce pas?   Moving to Ontario has been almost like exploring another… Continue reading


Westjet Across Sky To Castle

I Want That Flight   Cheap Flights OK, this is the best travel tip we have ever given or heard about! Cheapest flights you will ever find. We came across this new site by accident and we were wowed by the cheap flights! Incredibly cheap. If you want to save… Continue reading

OH CANADA! #1 World Destination For Travel

Bear In Purple Flowers Yuko

Yes! Lonely Planet has just named CANADA as the number one travel destination in 2017.   Don’t you just love it?! Well, especially if you are a Canadian, that is.     Canadian Pride   They say Canadians don’t have an abundance of national pride. That just might be because we… Continue reading

Stopping By To See Goldie (Hawn) and Kurt (Russell) In The Muskokas


Taking the Trans-Canada Highway from our home in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, to our home in London, Ontario, is a long, long drive. 7000 kilometers, to be exact.   Crossing Saskatchewan and Manitoba over miles of prairie and whispering grain fields holds a wonderful sense of freedom. You can see for miles,… Continue reading

BOOK RELEASE: “Tell Us Another Story, Grandma”

Announcing the release of my new book, “TELL US ANOTHER STORY, GRANDMA”. You can find it on Amazon.   This book shares true stories about growing up on the farm on the Canadian Prairies.   Bored? These days, we are all at home a lot more…   If you’re getting a… Continue reading

10 Reasons You Should See St. John’s, Newfoundland

  The rain was coming down in sideways sheets when we landed in St. John’s. Once outside, I tried to capture how intense the downpour was blasting down. It was dazzling how beautiful the rain created reflections/refractions against the lights, but photos just didn’t do it justice.   St. John’s… Continue reading