Places We Regret Going

  We’ve travelled to over 30 countries, and each one had something special, unforgettable and memorable.   But upon careful review, do we have any travel regrets? Have we travelled to any places that we wish we had not gone to?    There are a few that stand out above… Continue reading

Double Probation: Update on House Sit in Southern France

This was a totally immersive and unexpected experience in the South of France. It was our first house sitting job and we thought it would be a fantastic way to experience the area first-hand, save money on hotels, as well as enjoy our favourite animals, the dogs.  Morning Dog Walk We’re… Continue reading

Mr. BIG Moneyyy on Caye Caulker, Belize


  Ok, so maybe Belize wasn’t so bad after all. One of the few times in Belize that we saw that inimitable Caribbean turquoise water was when we were on the ferry heading toward Caye Caulker from the rather ugly Belize City.   It was thrilling to see the true… Continue reading

Of Accidental Heroes


  One never knows when an opportunity may come along to be a hero. It is never planned, and probably the last thing on your mind at that moment.   My friend, G, loves to snorkel and spent many an afternoon at the far end of the lagoon at the… Continue reading

Mississippi, Alabama and Florida

P1110078 Closer

  To get from New Orléans, Louisiana, to Destin, Florida, you need to go through the states of Mississippi, Alabama and Florida, over the Gulf of Mexico, and known as the Florida Panhandle. All the clichés about the South and blacks and prejudice were undeniable, but there was some surprisingly… Continue reading

How Many Countries Do You Know?

Bright Orange Blue World Map

  Do you know the countries of the world? Can you tell which country is marked on this world map? Are you able to recognize countries like the USA, Australia, France, Saudi Arabia, Germany and Mexico?    Go to: How Many Countries Do You Know Quiz    We were only able… Continue reading

Dine And Dash At Hemmingway’s Hideout In Old Havana

Dine and Dash at Hemmingway’s Hideout   The very first day we were in Cuba, we were wandering around Old Havana. We stopped for drinks at Ernest Hemingway’s favourite hangout the Hotel Ambos Mundos in Old Havana. Remember? He wrote The Old Man and the Sea, and For Whom the… Continue reading

10 Reasons Why “I Love My Island”

Azores AAT40F

  “I love my island” the guide said, gazing across the majestic vista of land and sea.   She fell silent for a few moments, then, when she turned toward me, I saw that her face was flushed with emotion.   “Every time I come up here, it seems to… Continue reading


  Hello, are you ready to take a few vicarious trips to little known and unusual places?   Welcome to Travel To Little Known Places. My reason for starting this blog is just to share our crazy travel stories and misadventures, many compiled from letters home to family and friends… Continue reading

Locked Out Of Our House in Merida

Here we are in sunny Merida, Mexico, skin soaking up the luscious moisture and the warmth of the sun like a sponge. It’s easier to breathe here. Such a dramatic contrast to the cold dry air of winter in Canada; it’s almost a shock to the system. It was a… Continue reading

Panama: Thievin’ Hermit Crabs & Green Iguanas


  Driving Out of Panama City   Don’t be discouraged when you drive out of Panama city on the four-lane highway and see beach after beach packed with people, music blaring, garbage everywhere and noise booming out in every direction. Keep on driving and you will be rewarded with pristine… Continue reading

House Sitting in Southern France

  Our hostess for the house sit was a charming single woman with 3 dogs and 4 chickens.    The Property The property was a two-story house on a large, 4-5 acre, treed lot with flowers and shrubs, a pool, and it backed onto the famous River Lot. In short,… Continue reading

Sloppy Joes, Prostitutes and Milk in Havana

  Did you know that Sloppy Joe’s were invented in Havana?   Yes, those good ol’ Sloppy Joe sandwiches were invented in Havana. Remember that ground beef/tomato sauce mixture you slopped on buns? Then you devoured it in minutes thinking it was the best thing you ever had?   Sloppy… Continue reading

Flying Across Jungle Treetops

  While we were still enjoying the lovely town and relaxing atmosphere of Granada, Nicaragua, we wanted to see the Volcano Mombacho, still active we had been told, as well as the cloud forest in the mountains and to experience the jungle zip line.   We were both a little worried… Continue reading

If I Had One Thousand Dollars…

  We’ve been researching all kinds of travel accessories to see if there are any that are truly worthwhile, and which ones are just another tech toy to take up more precious room in your carry-on.   But I wish they would invent one friggin’ cord that works in ALL… Continue reading

French Riviera – Get Packing

  In a few days we will be landing in Marseilles, France. It’s a little surreal that you can be on the French Riviera in Europe on the other side of the world in just one day, your whole environment completely changed in a few hours.   We are house sitting… Continue reading

Living Like Royalty In Cabra Castle

  Cabra Castle was elegant. A 19th Century castle, set deep in the hills of Cavan County, it was stately and refined. While Ballynahinch Castle had felt more authentic with the hunters going out for the early morning hunt all decked out in somewhat traditional hunting attire: short pants, knee-high socks… Continue reading

Halloween Apples, Peanuts & Cake; If You Don’t…


  Halloween Apples, Peanuts and Cake, If You Don’t Give Us Any, Your Toilet Will Shake!   Remember that? Ok, that was even before my time, before indoor toilets even! – but it has a lovely rhythm, n’est ce pas?   Moving to Ontario has been almost like exploring another… Continue reading

Mayan Ruins And Phallic Sculptures

  The hard drive crashed on Saturday. Totally out of the blue. No warnings. No odd behaviours. Just fried itself. No computer. NO COMPUTER. Desperately tried to fix it and got it up just long enough to make a backup on the Clickfree external drive before it was in total… Continue reading