5 Jaw-Droppingly Stunning Islands of Palawan, Philippines

    Dazzling Colours   5 of the most stunning islands in the world are off El Nido, on Palawan Island in the Philippines. Majestic and breath-taking views in every direction simply made this one of the most memorable tours (and we usually dislike tours) that we have ever taken. Simply… Continue reading

Mexico To Belize


  As I was saying in the last post, Belize is located directly South of Mexico, below the Mayan Riviera on the Yucatan Peninsula. It was cheaper to fly into Cancun and then drive down the Mayan Riviera coast, scattered with luscious turquoise beaches, and then drive on into Belize.  … Continue reading

How to Overcome Your Fear of Spiders

  I have always been afraid of spiders – I’m not sure why, but they just seem creepy.    There are no dangerous wild animals in Tonga, and not many bugs, but they do have harmless spiders.     Ouleva Island, Tonga   We were on an uninhabited island, Ouleva,… Continue reading

Our Secret Beach (Shhh! Don’t tell anyone.)

  Shhh! Don’t tell anyone. This beach is so perfect, so tranquil, so gorgeous, we don’t want thousands of people to find out and ruin it. We’ll tell you about it, but we’re not telling you exactly where it is. It’s in Tonga, somewhere on one of the 176 islands… Continue reading

Sky Diving – Insanely Incredible!

  Recently, our friend, Wendy, a fearless adventurer, decided to go skydiving. She described it as “Insane and Incredible!”   She flew with a company called Adventure Skydiving, and found it wonderful. Excited for her, we went to watch, along with her two children, aged two and five years old respectively. We… Continue reading

Ring 3: The Dingle Peninsula


  The Dingle Peninsula was the most fascinating and memorable of the three “Rings” on Ireland`s South coast. Wild and rocky, wind-blown and untouched by tourism, it’s the REAL IRELAND.  [spacer height=”20px”] The poor little sheep were clinging to the sides of the rocky crags. With vast valleys or ocean… Continue reading

About Us

Exotic places

  Join us in exploring the world! Each year we travel further and further off the beaten path to little known places.   Cure for Boredom: Curiosity Cure for Curiosity: Travel   As a writer, counsellor, teacher, immigration officer, corrections worker, probation officer, parole officer, teacher of deaf adults, teacher of… Continue reading

Amazing Gifts That Cost Almost Nothing

  Tis the season to BUY, BUY, BUY. But what if you could GIVE, GIVE, GIVE for pennies? Maybe this year you’re a little light on cash, or you are just tired of the commercialization of Christmas. You’re ready to find inexpensive gifts that are both practical and special.  … Continue reading

New Orleans Streetcars Cheapest Transportation


  Walkabouts are definitely the best way to see New Orléans. Everyone strolls leisurely along stopping often to check out one interesting spot or another. There‘s always something new and amazing to see in every block; every corner brings a fresh surprise, from music to street show to food to… Continue reading

Sassy Travel Style: Travel More, Spend Less

World In Your Hands

  Our style is sassy because it is a bit different, a bit bold, a bit adventurous, and as inexpensive as possible. Follow along for travel tips galore.   Trends are more and more toward adventure travel, which we love, but we like comfort too, so we don’t do hostels and backpacking. On the other hand, luxury travel… Continue reading

The Friggin’ Truth About Christmas

  Ok, here’s the thing. Everybody is too friggin’ busy at Christmas to read (or write) a blog post. So we’ll keep it short and sweet.   You’re not the only one freaking out about all the things you still have to do before Christmas. Everyone is! Well OK, maybe… Continue reading

Spread A Little Happiness

Spread A Little Happiness

  Something Happens to People at Christmas   It happens to people when they start thinking about the joy people will experience from the gifts they will give.   They suddenly feel kinder, more generous, more caring. They want to spread a little happiness!   It should happen all year round, but the… Continue reading

How Many People Can You Fit On A Bicycle?


  This post is a photo journal of a variety of random “along the road” photos we took on our travels through Belize. Sometimes it’s the unintentional photos that tell the best stories. We hope it gives you an authentic feel for the real Belize.    Little girl on Caye… Continue reading

A Free Luxurious Villa

  We had been offered an opportunity to stay at  a new upscale development of villas on the Pacific coast near Rivas, Southern Nicaragua, for a free luxurious weekend. Rancho Santana was spread over 2700 acres on the rocky Pacific coastline with 5 beaches.  The homes were for sale of course, and they… Continue reading

Mr. T is Mr. Christmas

  T is Mr. Christmas.   You’ve heard about his smart remarks and wry sense of humour in previous posts, but I think we shall reveal a little more of his character, since he is always the silent partner in our escapades around the world.   Did you ever in your… Continue reading

Behave Yourself

  Travel etiquette can be explained in a few words. Courtesy, courtesy, courtesy. Respect, respect, respect.   How do you feel when a foreigner criticizes anything in your country? Or if a foreigner is demanding in any way?   Think about it.   “When in Rome…”  You’re in a different… Continue reading