Car and Driver In Ecuador, Cheaper Than Car Rental

  Usually we rent a car and explore a country on our own. There is such a joyous freedom in being able to stop when you want and where you want, or take that little side road, or stop at that quaint little village.   This time though, after a… Continue reading

Wildest Train Ride Ever!

  The train to the SKY… SKY… SKY…   Dennis, at, who organized our car and driver for Ecuador, tried to tell us that we should come back to Quito through the mountains. I tried to tell him that I don’t really like mountains, nor windy roads that make me motion sick. Plus,… Continue reading

Humphrey Bogart, Panama Hats And 50¢ Roses

 We were in Cuenca, a pretty little city, high in the Andes Mountains of central Ecuador, enjoying the town square. It had a European feel with cobblestone streets, Spanish colonial architecture and lots of brick.    Cuenca Town Square Take note of the hats… Sipping some hot chocolate… Wandering over… Continue reading

How Do You Have Fun In Spite Of Altitude Sickness?

  We both felt the nausea and dizziness of altitude sickness in the giant Andes Mountains, yet somehow enjoyed the incredible experiences we had in Ecuador. In fact, I had forgotten how sick we were until T reminded me long after the trip was over. Amazing that I only remembered… Continue reading